XML Schedule Usage Guideline

This document describes best practice guidelines for the use of the XML version of the University of New Mexico Schedule of Classes. Users and processes that wish to consume the XML Schedule of Classes should consult this document for help regarding data storage, display, and other topics.

What files are available

There are four files available at any given time:

'current.xml' contains the schedule for current semester. The file next1.xml contains the following semester’s data, and so on. For example, if the current semester is Spring 2012, ‘next1.xml will have data for Summer 2012, next2.xml will represent Fall 2012, and next3.xml will have data for Spring 2013. If a schedule hasn't been released for a semester that file will exist but it will contain no data.

'current.xml' becomes the current semester's file on the first day of classes for that semester. At that time, 'next1.xml,' 'next2.xml,' and 'next3.xml' will take on the data for future semesters as described above.

Warning: Some files, especially current.xml and next1.xml may be quite large. Opening them in a browser might cause unexpected results.

How the XML file gets published

The XML Schedule of Classes is automatically extracted from Banner daily at the following times:

0100 (1:00 AM)
0800 (8:00 AM)
0900 (9:00 AM)
1000 (10:00 AM)
1100 (11:00 AM)
1200 (12:00 PM)
1300 (1:00 PM)
1400 (2:00 PM)
1500 (3:00 PM)
1600 (4:00 PM)
1700 (5:00 PM)
1800 (6:00 PM)

Each file contains a creation timestamp. Consumers should check the timestamp to determine when that file was created.

What’s included 

  • The data is grouped by campus, college, department, subject, and course.
  • Each course section contains instructor, meeting times, location, credits, fees, wait list, enrollment, CRN, subject, delivery type, fees, and more.
  • Please consult the XML file for details.

Many values in the XML file are codes and may not be human readable. Please reference the schedule key at http://xmlschedule.unm.edu/docs/schedule-key.html. This file is updated regularly.

  • Support. If there are problems such as incorrect data or outages, please contact the consuming web site’s administrator if possible. Otherwise contact Greg Gomez at gogogo@unm.edu for more information.
  • Training. UNM offers no training support for consuming the XML file. However, the DTD is available at http://xmlschedule.unm.edu/unm-schedule.xsd. Community support may be available at webmaster.unm.edu or ia-unm.unm.edu.
  • For assistance in implementing the Schedule in your WCMS site, please contact Matt Carter at mdcarter@unm.edu.

Where to get the DTD

The Document Type Definition can be found here:



Support is limited. Please contact IT Support at 277-5757 to open a ticket if you're having problems with the service. If you have questions about the XML Schedule, please email Greg Gómez at gogogo@unm.edu.

The information in the XML file has been confirmed as public information.


How often to download

Since the XML file is published at regular intervals, accessing it more often than the publication schedule isn’t necessary. Download the file for use locally at reasonable intervals. Processes that make an inordinate number of requests could be blocked from accessing the file.

Warnings and restrictions

Do not create planning or reporting databases from the XML file. The schedule data is unofficial and is intended to disseminate UNM’s schedule of classes widely. Students should use MyUNM.edu for scheduling classes. Planning and reporting activities should use Banner and the ODS.

Display guidelines

Sites that utilize the XML schedule must include a disclaimer that includes a statement regarding accuracy and freshness as well support information. For example:

This data is offered for your convenience only. The schedule data is updated once a day and may not reflect recent changes to the Schedule of Classes. This page was generated on Month, Day, Year. For any questions please contact webadmin@dept.unm.edu.

How to utilize in the WCMS?

Information on using the XML Schedule in the WCMS is currently being developed. For information or questions about utilizing the XML Schedule in your WCMS site, please contact Matt Carter at mdcarter@unm.edu.

What to do if there are problems

  • Support. If there are problems such as incorrect data or outages, please contact the consuming web site’s administrator if possible. Otherwise contact Greg Gomez at gogogo@unm.edu for more information.
  • Training. UNM offers no training support for consuming the XML file. Community support may be available via the XMLSCHEDULE-L listserv. To subscribe to this list, go to the XML Schedule's homepage and use the form there.
  • For assistance in implementing the Schedule in your WCMS site, please contact Matt Carter at mdcarter@unm.edu.